Ireland Part 1

Now back to travel writing. I had decided in March that I wanted to get a master’s degree overseas. I applied to schools in Ireland, Scotland and England. Out of the five schools that I applied to, I got into four; Two in England, one in Scotland and one in Ireland. It was a very... Continue Reading →

Austria and Germany: Salzburg, Berchtesgaden and Mondsee

The next day after our excursion to the ice cave and the castle, we were still quite tired. Our guides added another optional excursion for the morning. This excursion was to see the eagle's nest. My brother and I were still very tired from the day before and decided to sleep in. Plus, we did... Continue Reading →

The Cookie Dough Craze

  When you’re making cookies, it is always tempting to grab one or more of the balls of cookie dough laid out on the tray. You know it’s bad for you, but if you’re anything like me you grab a few any way. Well, there is a new shop in New York City that has... Continue Reading →

Midsummer in LATVIA

This isn’t going to be quite about traveling, but about the most Latvian holiday of all – as we call it back home ‘’Līgo’’and ‘’Jāņi’’, it’s the midsummer celebration, which is celebrated from June 23rd to June 24th. It’s the celebration of the longest day and shortest night, and has been celebrated for many centuries,... Continue Reading →

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